Road to Frontend Developer Project

Date: 18 May 2024

Document Status: Draft

Executive Summary:

This project aims to transform me into a competent frontend developer within three months. By adhering to the SMART framework, I will undertake a structured learning path, complete practical projects, and secure a job as a frontend developer by the end of August.

Project Goal



I am pursuing this project to transition into a career in frontend development to achieve a better financial situation and contribute to household expenses. By becoming a frontend developer, I aim to leverage the high demand in the tech industry to secure a well-paying job.

Benefits, Costs, and Budget




Scope and Exclusion



Project Team

Project Lead: Taninwat Kaewpankan

Project Team:Taninwat Kaewpankan

Stakeholders: Phatnaree (Mom), Kanokwan (Koy), Pornthip (Koy's mom), Jens (Koy's far)

Measuring Success Criteria

  1. Completion of all planned courses and projects.
  2. Securing at least one job offer or reaching the final interview stage by the end of three months.
  3. A well-curated portfolio showcasing at least three web development projects.
  4. A professional resume and LinkedIn profile.
  5. At least 20 job applications submitted.