Resource Planning

Author: Taninwat Kaewpankan

Status: Draft

Created: 18 May 2024

Updated: 18 May 2024


The objective of resouce planning is to ensure that I have the right people, equipment, and materials at the right time to complete projects. This improves efficiency, project success rates, and financial management by avoiding resource waste and burnout.

Executive summary

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Resource Type 1: Learning Resources

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Coursera Subscription Frontend development course $59 (spent) + $29 (extension) = $88 Spent Coursera offers structured courses
Udemy Courses 3 specific courses $50 (spent) Spent Utilize these courses fully
FreeCodeCamp JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and frontend libraries Free Available Comprehensive free resource
Mozilla Developer Network Documentation and tutorials for web development Free Available Use for reference and advanced topics
YouTube Tutorials Various topics including JavaScript and React Free Available Mix of tutorials and hands-on projects

Resource Type 2: Development Tools

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Visual Studio Code Text editor Free Available Preferred coding environment
GitHub Version control and project hosting Free Available Host and showcase projects
Browser Dev Tools Built-in tools for testing and debugging Free Available Essential for debugging

Resource Type 3: Hardware & Software

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Laptop Primary development machine Existing Available Ensure it's in good working condition
Internet Connection Necessary for online courses and resources Existing Available Ensure stable connection

Resource Type 4: Budget Allocation

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Remaining Budget For any additional resources or tools $50 Available Use strategically for essential needs

Resource Type 5: Time Resources

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Daily Study Time 6-10 hours/day Free Committed Flexible schedule to prevent burnout
Weekly Review Time Review progress and adjust schedule Free Committed Reflect and adapt as needed

Resource Type 6: Support System

Resource Description Cost Status Notes
Online Communities Stack Overflow, Reddit (r/learnprogramming, r/webdev) Free Available Engage regularly for support
Study Groups Virtual study groups, coding bootcamps Free or Low Cost To be joined Look for collaborative environments